Page ID: 67479

Updated: April 12, 2023



9-valent HPV Vaccine will be available for free.

The 9-valent HPV vaccine, which is more effective than the 2 and 4 valent vaccine in preventing infections, can be received for free starting from April 1, 2023.

  1. Routine Vaccination
    Eligibility: Women within the age range of 6th grade in elementary school to 1st year of high school (Individuals who were born between April 2 of 2007 and April 1 of 2012 are eligible for FY2023 vaccinations)
  2. Catch-up Vaccination (*)
    Eligibility: Women who were born between April 2 of 1997 and April 1of 2007
    (※) Catch-up vaccination will be provided up until March 31, 2025 for individuals who were not able to receive the vaccination as a result of the period during which vaccination recommendation was withheld so as to confirm the safety and efficacy of HPV vaccines (June 2012 and onwards). 

Applicable to both 1 and 2 as stated above

  • Vaccination venue: Registered medical institutions for HPV vaccinations (Please contact the registered institutions directly to make a reservation and for any other inquiries.) 
  • Number of vaccinations:【2-valent and 4-valent】=3 shots 【The 9-valent】Twice if one received the first vaccination by the age of 14, and 3 shots for individuals who received their first vaccination after their 15th birthday.
  • For further information such as the number of vaccinations required and items to bring to the venue, please check the official website of the City of Sendai or contact the following office. 
    Inquiries: Home Health Section of Ward Offices, Public Health and Welfare Section of General Branches

Notice Regarding COVID-19 Vaccination

Information regarding vaccination is available in easy Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, and Nepali.
Easy JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanVietnameseNepali

Tax Notices

Certificates of Inhabitant Tax to be Issued

Tax Payment Certificate of Inhabitant Tax and Taxation Certificate of Inhabitant Tax, etc. and various certificates (fee-based) can be issued by Ward Offices, General Branches, Certificate Issuance Centers, and the Sendai Station Service Center (AER Building 5F).
The issuing day for the FY 2023 Certificate is as follows:
・Taxation Certificate of Inhabitant Tax (Those who have Inhabitant Tax deducted from their salary)/Tax Exemption Certificate of Inhabitant Tax (Those who were exempt from Inhabitant Tax): From around mid-May
・Taxation Certificate of Inhabitant Tax (Those who pay using Inhabitant Tax payment notification slips, or deducted from pension): From around mid-June
※Some certificates cannot be issued by Certificate Issuance Centers or the Sendai Station Service Center, please check in advance whether the certificate you require can be issued.
Inquiries: Taxation Section TEL: 022-214-8622 

Taxation and Accounting Section of Ward Offices

Taxation and Resident Registration Section of General Branches

Have You Paid All Your Taxes Yet?

Have you paid all your taxes for FY2022? Please consult the relevant offices as soon as possible if you have difficulties paying taxes. 
Information regarding inhabitant tax payment extension is available in Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, and Nepali.
Japanese( External link )English( External link )Chinese( External link )Korean( External link )
Vietnamese( External link )Nepali( External link )

Financial Aid for Educational Expenses System

The City provides financial assistance for a portion of school materials costs and lunch fees, etc. for parents and guardians of students attending elementary or junior high schools in Sendai and Sendai Seiryo Secondary School (lower secondary curriculum) who are experiencing difficulties in sending their children to school due to financial constraints.

  • Eligibility: Households (i) receiving child-rearing allowance, (ii) have had welfare allowance terminated or suspended, or (iii) whose members earn a yearly income below a base amount which is calculated based on the number of household members and age composition

Applications: Please contact the municipal elementary, junior high school or Sendai Seiryo Secondary School that your child is enrolled in.

Inquiries: School Affairs Section TEL: 022-214-8861

Exempted from the National Pension Contribution before and after childbirth

Contribution to one’s National Pension is exempted for a 4-month period, starting from the month prior to the month in which the expected delivery date or the delivery date belongs (in case of multiple pregnancies, a period of 6 months, starting from 3 months prior to the month in which the expected delivery date or the delivery date belongs). 
Submission of notification is accepted starting from half a year prior to the expected delivery date. The notification can be also submitted after childbirth, and there is no deadline to the submission period. If you are submitting a notification prior to giving birth, please bring a document that shows the expected delivery date (such as the Maternal and Child Health Handbook). For details, please contact the office in charge. 

  • Eligibility=Insured person in Category I of the National Pension System, whose delivery date is on February 1, 2019 or onwards 

Inquiries: National Health Insurance and Pension Section of Ward Offices and the Miyagi General Branch, and Public Health and Welfare Section of the Akiu General Branch 

Accepting Claims for Free Early Childhood Education and Care

  • Eligibility: Those who have the new class 2 or 3 Childcare Certificate and are using extended childcare services at kindergarten and centers for early childhood education and care, non-certified childcare facilities, temporary childcare services, childcare services for sick children, or Sendai Sukusuku ("Healthy Growth") Support Project.
  • Eligible period: From January 1 to March 31, 2023
  • Claim submission deadline: By April 20 (Thu.), 2023
  • For further details please see the official website of the City of Sendai or make an inquiry.

Inquiries: Sendai City Free Early Childhood Education and Care Office TEL: 022-214-8978

Payment Amount of Child-rearing Allowance/ Special Child-rearing Allowance Will Change. 

Due to a partial law amendment, the following payment amount revision will be enacted from April 2023. 

Child-rearing allowance(Payment in May)

  • Single child: 
    If receiving full amount - Monthly amount 44,140 yen
    Partial amount - Monthly amount ranging from 10,410 yen to 44,130 yen
  • Second child:
    If receiving full amount - Additional monthly amount 10,420 yen
    Partial amount - Additional monthly amount ranging from 5,210 yen to 10,410 yen
  • Third child and after: 
    If receiving full amount - Additional monthly amount 6,250 yen per child
    Partial amount - Additional monthly amount ranging from 3,130 yen to 6,240 yen per child

Special Child-rearing allowance (Per child)(Payment in August)

  • Class 1: Monthly amount 53,700 yen
  • Class 2: Monthly amount 35,760 yen

Exemption or Postponement of National Pension Payments can be Applied Retroactively for up to Two Years and One Month Prior to the Month of Application 

Those having trouble paying national pension premiums will be able to apply retroactively for exemptions, payment period extensions, and student payment exemptions for up to two years and one month prior to the month of application. If your application is approved, you will be granted an exemption from, or extension on, national pension premiums.

Inquiries: National Health Insurance and Pension Section of any Ward Office and the Miyagi General Branch Office
Public Health and Welfare Section of the Akiu General Branch Office

Don’t forget to Apply for Citizen’s Health Check

The deadline for the first application period for receiving a basic health check and cancer checks run by the City of Sendai is April 25, 2023. The application guide is distributed at Ward Offices and Shimin (Civic) Centers. Applications can also be submitted via the official website of the City of Sendai. For detailed information, check the application guide or contact the office in charge.
Inquiries: Home Health Section of Ward Offices
Public Health and Welfare Section of General Branch Offices 

Don't Forget to Submit the Loss of Qualification Form for National Health Insurance

If you were enrolled in National Health Insurance but became employed and is now enrolled in employees' health insurance, or became a dependent of a family member's health insurance, please visit the Ward Office or General Branch of the area which you reside in and file a Loss of Qualification Form as soon as you receive your new insurance card.

Please note that your National Health Insurance Card becomes invalid as of the day you enroll in employees' health insurance.

Inquiries: National Health Insurance and Pension Section of Ward Offices and the Miyagi General Branch, Public Health and Welfare Section of the Akiu General Branch 




