Page ID: 78613

Updated: February 7, 2025



Declaration of Inhabitant Tax

Please submit your tax declaration via post to prevent crowds at tax filing venues.
<Those who are required to declare Inhabitant Tax>

  • Those who lived in Sendai City as of January 1, 2025 and to whom " Those who are NOT required to declare Inhabitant Tax " do not apply. (Please be aware that you are required to declare inhabitant tax even if you did not have any income in 2024. If you do not file a tax declaration, the City of Sendai might not be able to issue you a tax exemption certificate or other relevant documents)

<Those who are NOT required to declare Inhabitant Tax>

  • Those who filed for income tax return.
  • Those whose only income was their salary or those who are solely dependent on public pension, etc. (You are required to declare inhabitant tax if you have NOT applied for year-end adjustment, because you got a new job, left a job or retired in the middle of the year, or if you are going to be subjected to exemptions which are not listed on the certificate of income and withholding tax, such as exemption of medical expenses.)
  • Those who are dependents, etc. of a person who fulfils the above requirements (a qualified spouse as well as dependents whose living expense is sustained by the same source). (Those who are dependents of a person living outside of Sendai City are required to file for inhabitant tax.)

Venues for filing Inhabitant Tax

  • Period of acceptance: February 17 (Mon) to February 28 (Fri), 2025 (Excluding closing days of government offices)
    Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
    Venue: Sendai City Hall North Building 2F dedicated area  (Substitute venue for Aoba Ward Office, Wakabayashi Ward Office and Taihaku Ward Office)
  • Period of acceptance: February 17 (Mon) to March 17 (Mon), 2025 (Excluding closing days of government offices)
    Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
    Miyagino Ward Office 6F Hall
    Izumi Ward Office East Building 1F main conference room
    Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.Venue: Miyagi General Branch 3F conference room
  • Period of acceptance: March 3 (Mon) to March 17 (Mon), 2025
    Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
    Venue: AER Building 5F Exhibition Space dedicated area (Substitute venue for Aoba Ward Office, Wakabayashi Ward Office and Taihaku Ward Office)
  • Period of acceptance: February 25 (Tue) to March 17 (Mon), 2025 (Excluding closing days of government offices)
    Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
    Venue: Akiu General Branch 2F main conference room

Inquiries: Inhabitant Tax Section
【Aoba Ward, Izumi Ward】TEL: 022-214-8637
【Miyagino Ward, Wakabayashi Ward, Taihaku Ward】TEL: 022-214-8638

Tax Notices

For those who are required to file Income Tax return and declare Inhabitant Tax, please complete the necessary procedures by March 17 (Mon), 2025.
We ask for those who are filing for income tax return to submit their declaration through the e-tax service that can be found on the National Tax Agency Website, and for those submitting inhabitant tax declaration form to do so via post.
<About Listing Individual Number and Identification Documents of Individual Number, etc.>

  • On both the income tax returns and inhabitant tax declaration, you must have your Individual Number written down, and the Individual Numbers of qualified spouse as well as dependents whose living expense is sustained by the same source and are eligible for deduction should also be included on the form.
  • When submitting your documents, you are required to show proof of the applicant's Individual Number and proof of one's identity. (A qualified spouse as well as dependents whose living expense is sustained by the same source and are eligible for deduction are not required to show proof of their Individual Numbers)

Inquiries about filing income tax return:
Sendai-kita Tax Office TEL: 022-222-8121, Sendai-naka Tax Office TEL: 022-783-7831, Sendai-minami Tax Office TEL: 022-306-8001

Notice of the Nationwide J-ALERT Information Transmission Test

The central government will carry out a nationwide simultaneous information transmission test using the J-ALERT system at 11:00 a.m. on February 12 (Wed), 2025  based on the preparation for the occurrence of earthquakes, tsunamis, and armed attacks, etc.
On the day of the test, test messages will be broadcasted on the official website of the City of Sendai, the official LINE account of the City of Sendai, and the X (formerly Twitter) account of the Sendai City Crisis Management Bureau, and test announcements will be broadcasted using outdoor speaker installations set up in the eastern part of Sendai City. Please note of this in advance.
Inquiries: Crisis Management Section TEL: 022-214-8519

Emergency Support Benefit to be Provided for FY 2024 Inhabitant Tax Exempt Households

The City of Sendai will provide a 30,000 yen subsidy to each household that is exempt from Inhabitant Tax in FY2024. In addition, a 20,000 yen subsidy will be paid out for each child 18 years old or younger in Inhabitant Tax Exempt households. 

Inquiries: Emergency Support Benefit Center 0120-000-483 (weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) 

Easy JapaneseEnglishChineseKoreanVietnameseNepali

 Consultations for Starting a Business

  1. Consultations for matters related to starting a business
    Date and time: February 19 (Wed) 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
    Who it’s for: People who are planning to start a business or have just started a business.
    Limited to the first 30 applicants. 
  2. Consultation for Foreign Entrepreneurs
    Date and time: February 27 (Thu) 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
    Who it’s for: Foreigners, including international students, that are interested in starting a business or have been running a business for approximately 5 years or less. 
    Limited to the first 10 applicants.
  • Venue: AER Building 7F
  • Content: Individual consultations with relevant experts on starting/running a business.
  • How to apply: 
    Apply through the ASSISTA website( External link ) from 9:00 a.m. on February 6.

Inquiries: Sendai City Industrial Promotion Organization TEL: 022-724-1124

AIDS and Syphillis Rapid Testing

  • Reservation required
  • How to apply:
    Reservations can be made by calling the dedicated reservation line (TEL: 090-4478-4641), between 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. on weekdays, from two weeks before the testing date up until the day before the testing, or from the official website of the City of Sendai.
  1. Night-time Rapid Testing: 
    Date and time: February 28 (Fri) and March 14 (Fri), 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. 
    Venue: AER Building 5F  
  2. Holiday Rapid Testing:
    Date and time: March 1(Sat), 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.
    Venue: Health Consultation Office, Koseikan (1-1-5, Miyamachi, Aoba-ku)

Capacity: Approximately 30 people per session(first-come first-served)
Those tested will be directly informed of the results about one hour after blood samples have been taken. (In the case of indeterminate results, you will be notified at a later date.)

Inquiries:Infectious Disease Countermeasure Section 022-214-8029

Have you Enrolled in the National Health Insurance?

If you have withdrawn from your employee health insurance due to retirement, resignation or loss of employment, you must register to enroll in the National Health Insurance (unless you have opted to extend your health insurance or have become a dependent on a family member's employee health insurance.)
The day when you withdrew from your employee health insurance becomes your day of enrollment into the National Health Insurance, meaning that you will be charged with insurance premiums starting from that month, so even if you did not complete the necessary procedures for National Health Insurance enrollment immediately, you will be charged retroactively.
If you have yet to register, please do so as soon as possible.
Inquiries: National Health Insurance and Pension Section of Ward Offices and Miyagi General Branch, or Public Health and Welfare Section of Akiu General Branch

Conditional Extension to the Period for HPV Catch-up and Routine Vaccinations

 Regarding catch-up and routine HPV vaccinations (vaccines against cervical cancer), the periods for these free-of-charge vaccinations has been extended until March 31(Tue) 2026 for those who have previously been vaccinated at least once during the period of April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2025. If you would like to get vaccinated, please contact a medical institution early.

(1)Catch-up Vaccination
Eligibility: Women born between April 2, 1997 and April 1, 2008
(2)Routine Vaccination (Upper age limit)
Eligibility: Women born between April 2, 2008 and April 1, 2009 (age equivalent to the first year in high school) . 
*Both (1)and (2)above are only eligible if they have received or will receive at least one HPV vaccination between April 1, 2022 and March 31, 2025 and have not yet completed all 3 shots of the vaccination.

  • You can receive your remaining 1 or 2 shots out of the total 3 during the extended period.
  • Vaccination Venue: Medical institutions registered to administrate routine HPV vaccinations (Please contact the registered institutions directly to make a reservation)
  • What you should bring:
  1. Identity verification documents such as an Individual Number Card
  2. Documents which members of medical staff can use to record and check your vaccination history such as your Maternal and Child Health Handbook
  3. Prevaccination Screening Questionnaire (which you can receive from a registered medical institution for HPV vaccinations) 
  • Make sure to check your vaccination history by referring to a document such as your Maternal and Child Health Handbook. If your vaccination history is not clear, please consult with your doctors before receiving any vaccinations.
  • Applications are also accepted from individuals who previously resided in the 13 municipalities in Fukushima Prefecture that are under evacuation orders by the 2011 nuclear disaster.
  • Check the official website of the City of Sendai or inquire at the office below. 

Inquiries: Infectious Disease Prevention and Planning Section TEL: 022-214-8452

Subsidy for Multicultural Projects, etc.

1st term
Project execution period: April 2025 to March 2026, Application period: February 1 to 28, 2025
2nd term
Project execution period: July 2025 to March 2026, Application period: May 1 to 31, 2025
3rd term
Project execution period: October 2025 to March 2026, Application period: August 1 to 31, 2025
4th term
Project execution period: January to March, 2026, Application period: November 1 to 30, 2025
※Application submission: Excluding Saturdays, Sundays and (National) holidays

  • Eligibility: Groups and organizations whose activities are mostly based in Sendai City and more than half of the members are living, working or studying within Sendai City. 
  • The upper limit of the subsidy is 100,000 yen.
  • Please contact the following for information on how to apply, or for further details.

Inquiries: Sendai Tourism, Convention and International Association (SenTIA) 
TEL: 022-268-6260




