ホーム > Sendai City Official Website > About Sendai City > TO CONSERVE AND TAKE OVER THE ENVIRONMENT OF SENDAI > Why is it necessary to have the "Sendai City Basic Environment Ordinance" ?
Page ID: 17064
Updated: December 21, 2022
Today we live comfortable and convenient lives and through which we are faced with many problems such as mass consumption of raw material and energy resources, increase of waste and Road Traffic pollution. And these problems make city environment and global environment more serious.
To deal with these complex and various environmental problems of today such as city environmental problems and global environmental problems, we need to define the common principles, the responsibilities of Municipality, Corporations and Citizens, and the basic policies of measures, and to promote an approach based on communication and cooperation in order to conserve and create the environment.
So far we have made various efforts to resolve problems such as air pollution, water pollution and air pollution by the dust of spiked tires and have tried to conserve and create the Environment of Sendai, the "City of Trees".
But mass consumption of raw material and energy resources, increase of cars, increase of waste, destruction of local pockets of nature bring about new environmental problems. Moreover, these problems also have an effect on global environment such as Global Warming,Ozone Layer Depletion and Acid Deposition, etc.
These environmental problems of today are brought about by ordinary business activities and our daily lives. So we are not only victims but also assailants of environmental problems.
To secure the right to live in pleasant environment and pass onto future generations much more pleasant environment, we have to look over the ways of business activities and our lifestyles again, Corporations, Citizens and the Municipality have to deal with environmental conservation and creation under the common basic principles in communication and cooperation.
And so, based on opinions of the Council, Sendai City Basic Environment Ordinance which prescribes basic principles, responsibilities,basic policies of measures, and ways of participation, cooperation and connection, etc. was established on the decision of the Municipal Assembly.
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