ホーム > Sendai City Official Website > About Sendai City > TO CONSERVE AND TAKE OVER THE ENVIRONMENT OF SENDAI > Fundamental Measures to conserve and create the Environment
Page ID: 17062
Updated: December 21, 2022
In the Basic Environment Ordinance, fundamental measures to conserve and create the environment are enumerated after Article 11. The followings are the introductions of the points.
In creating pleasant environment, every one of us is the leading character of the activities. In Sendai City with a population of one million, it make very big power that every citizen voluntarily participate in recycling activities and environmental beautification activities etc..
Conserve and create our environment by our hands!
The Municipality aims to support these approaches.
To keep the environment of each area in Sendai City in pleasant condition, voluntary activities by Citizens and Corporations such as tree-planting activities, beautification activities, area cleaning activities and group resource collection etc. fill the important roles. And it is very important that hereafter these activities are positively promoted.
The Municipality aims to support these voluntary activities by providing informations, advices and consulting etc..
Business activities and our lives depend upon sound and healthy environment. Now approaches of environmental consideration by Corporations draw attention.
Establishment of environmentally considerate system within companies and implementation of projects, for example making up policies and plans of environmental consideration, are demands.
Adding to keeping standard regulations, an opportunity of Corporations to decide policies and aims and to deal with environmental conservation in order to make business activities environmentally considerate is growing higher in and out of the country.
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS) made a standard of the "Environmental Management System" concerning environmentally considerate business activities in 1996.
The Municipality aims to realize that Corporations establish sections charging environmental problems and environmental management systems to decide policies and aims in the plan, check and look over them.
The Municipality offers informations to Corporations.
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