Sendai City Hall
Address:7-1, Kokubuncho 3-chome, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8671
The area code of Sendai City is 022.
When sending postal matters, please write the name of the section of Sendai City Hall you wish to reach as follows;
Section Name, Sendai City Hall, Sendai 980-8671
The addresses of Ward Offices and General Branches are listed below;
- Aoba Ward Office
5-1, Kamisugi 1-chome, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8701 ※
- Miyagino Ward Office
12-35, Gorin 2-chome, Miyagino-ku, Sendai 983-8601 ※
- Wakabayashi Ward Office
3-1, Hoshuninmaecho, Wakabayashi-ku,Sendai 984-8601 ※
- Taihaku Ward Office
1-15, Nagamachi-Minami 3-chome, Taihaku-ku,Sendai 982-8601 ※
- Izumi Ward Office
1-1, Izumi-Chuo 2-chome, Izumi-ku, Sendai 981-3189 ※
- Miyagi General Branch
5, Kannondo, Ayashi, Aoba-ku, Sendai 989-3125
- Akiu General Branch
45-1, Ohara, Nagafukuro, Akiumachi, Taihaku-ku, Sendai 982-0243
When sending postal matters, please write the name of the section of Ward Office/General Branch you wish to reach as follows;
Section Name, XXWard Office/XXGeneral Branch, Sendai 98X-XXXX (Zip code)