ホーム > 事業者向け情報 > 経済・産業 > 起業家・スタートアップ支援 > 外国人起業活動促進事業(経済産業省認定事業によるスタートアップビザ)について > Startup Visa (Program Certified by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)
The “Startup Visa (Program Certified by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)”is a scheme that can be used by local governments that have received planning authorization from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). Sendai City has been approved to implement the “Start Visa (Entrepreneurial Incentives for Foreigners)” to incentivize foreigners to be business entrepreneurs. The purpose of this scheme is to enhance the international competitiveness of industries and form a base for international economic activities in Japan. Foreigners who want to start a business in Sendai City can use this scheme to stay in Japan for up to one year in preparation for starting a business.
For a foreign entrepreneur to obtain the “Business Manager” status of residence it is necessary for the applicant to satisfy requirements such as establishing an office, in addition must either hire at least two full-time employees or have at least five million yen in business capital or total amount of capital contributions to the business at the time of submitting the application to the immigration bureau.
With the “Startup Visa (Program Certified by METI)” however, a up to one year “Designated Activities” status of residence (must be renewed after six months) may be granted even if such requirements are not met, in the case where the applicant submits the Plan for Business Startup Activities, etc. to Sendai City. When Sendai City confirms that the applicant is likely to fulfill the prerequisites, the immigration bureau assesses the applicant on the basis of the confirmation and grants the approval for the status of residence.
The foreign entrepreneur can utilize this period to complete the necessary procedures while doing their business.
Foreign nationals wishing to start a new business in Sendai City
(Applicants must fulfill academic or professional prerequisites)
Eligible businesses are those which are expected to strengthen the global competitiveness of industries of Sendai City and/or to promote job growth in the city, and fall within the following industrial sectors.
Industries related to trading and tourism (examples :businesses contributing to the development of sales channels of products made in Sendai City, businesses associated with attracting foreign tourists, etc.)
In order to use this scheme to receive the “Designated Activities” status of residence, you will need to receive confirmation of the plan for business startup activities by the City of Sendai, which is achieved by creating and submitting (new application) a startup business startup plan for the business you will begin in the City. The confirmation of the plan for business startup activities is the city’s judgment of whether the plan has the prospect of meeting the conditions pertaining to the business manager status of residence, within one year after arrival in Japan or the change of status of residence. The “Certificate of Confirmation of Business Startup Activities ” will be given to foreign entrepreneurs who have received confirmation. Upon receiving the certificate they can to apply for the Designated Activities Visa at the Sendai Immigration Services Agency of Japan.
Foreigners applying for confirmation of the plan for business startup activities plan shall create, prepare and submit all the documents below. In principle, please complete the documents in Japanese. If it is difficult to fill in the documents in Japanese, please contact us for assistance in filling in them in English.
Foreign entrepreneurs who have received the Designated Activities Visa using this scheme need to receive a new Confirmation of Business Startup Activities Plan. This is achieved by creating and submitting (renewal application) a new Plan for Business Startup Activities (for renewal) to the City before the expiration of your 6 months period of residence.
The renewal of Confirmation of the Plan for Business Startup Activities is when the content of a new Plan for Business Startup Activities (for renewal) is judged by the City to see whether it has the prospect of meeting the requirements pertaining to the Business Manager Visa within six months after renewal of the period of residence.
The “Certificate of Confirmation of Business Startup Activities (For Renewal)” will be given to foreign entrepreneurs who have received renewal confirmation. Upon receiving the certificate they can to apply to renew their Designated Activities Visa at the Sendai Immigration Services Agency of Japan.
Foreigners applying for Confirmation of Business Startup Activities shall create/prepare and submit all the documents below. In principle, please complete the documents in Japanese.
Place: Corporate Support Subsection, Startup Support Section, Economic Affairs Bureau, the City of Sendai
(Address: 9th Floor, Sendai Park Building, 3-6-1, Kokubuncho, Aoba-ku, Sendai)
Office hours: 9:00 to 17:00 (closed on Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays, and any other non-business day)
*Please let us know in advance that you are submitting an application.
E-mail: sendai-startupvisa@city.sendai.jp
Telephone: 022-214-8278 (in Japanese)
Please make sure that application documents are brought to the designated point of contact by either of the following persons.
(a) Applicant himself/herself
(b) An attorney at law or certified administrative scrivener (Gyoseishoshi) who has notified, through the bar association or certified administrative scrivener association of the attorney at law or certified administrative scrivener, the director of the regional immigration bureau having jurisdiction over the area where such association is located.
※If the application documents are to be submitted by a person falling under (b),please also submit documentation that shows the relationship between this person and the applying foreign national, and that verifies this person is in such position.
The City will issue a confirmation certificate to foreign entrepreneurs who have received the Business Startup Activities Confirmation or Business Startup Activities Renewal Confirmation. A representative will contact you using the contact details you have given on your application form as confirmation is made. Please then come to pick up the certificate from Sendai City Hall.
Foreign entrepreneurs who have received the “Certificate of Confirmation of Business Startup Activities ” or the “Certificate of Confirmation of Business Startup Activities (For Renewal)” shall apply for Designated Activities Visa at the Sendai Regional Immigration Bureau. Please inquire directly to the Sendai Regional Immigration Bureau for details of the procedures.
Inspection Department, Sendai Regional Immigration Bureau
Telephone: 022-256-6073
Foreign entrepreneurs who received Designated Activities Visa using this scheme will be interviewed (state of progress confirmation) at least once a month by the City and/or parties hired by the City during the period in which they implement their new businesses, so please make sure to attend these. In addition, we may ask for the submission of necessary documents at that time (e.g., contracts relating to office rent or employment of employees, certificate of all recorded matters, copy of bank passbook), so please cooperate with this. Furthermore, if the progress of business startup activities is not satisfactory, you may be instructed to return to your original country
Business Startup Program for Foreign Nationals in the Sendai City National Strategic Special Zone
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